The Ultimate Guide to Growing Plumeria from Seed

You’re on Southern Blooms’ blog page because you want to know more about plumeria, including the ins and outs of growing a plumeria tree from seed to flower.

We’ll provide you with details from selecting your seed, sowing the seed, and germination, through to that first shoot rising from the soil. 

What to Look for When Selecting Plumeria Seeds

Start by knowing what seed you have, and not just the variety, but how you source them. You can buy online or collect them from mature trees. 


Opt for plump, healthy seeds.


Remember that seeds from plumeria Rubra won’t be identical to their parent plant. Instead, focus on desirable flower characteristics like color, fragrance, and size.

Plumeria Seed Germination

You can grow plumeria from a plastic bag:

Step 1: Soak your seeds overnight to test their viability and soften their shells.
Step 2: Place the seeds between moist paper towels or coffee filters inside a ziplock bag.
Step 3: Stick the bag to or near a sunny window. Indirect sunlight works best.
Step 4: Wait patiently - germination usually occurs within a couple of weeks.

How to sow plumeria seed 

Step 1: Select a small pot or seed tray with drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil. Doing this will help prevent rot. 
Step 2: Plumeria seeds do not need to be buried deeply. Lightly press them into the soil.
Step 3: Plant the seeds shallowly, allowing part of the seed wing to peek out.
Step 4: Plant them in a well-draining potting mix.
Step 5: Place in a location with a temperature between 70-80F during the day and 60-70F at night.

How to Care for a Plumeria Seedling

  • Use a spray bottle or watering can with a fine hose attachment to moisten the soil thoroughly. Avoid saturation as this can lead to rot.
  • Fertilize biweekly during the growing season using a phosphorus-rich formula.
  • Prune to encourage bushy growth.
  • Keep an eye out for pests and mold – they’re sneaky!

How Long Does It Take to See Flowers?

Seedlings grow fast, but please be patient as it can take 3-7 years for them to bloom. It is important to note that it’s not guaranteed that you will get blooms.

If your plumeria does bloom you could have a new cultivar that no one else has. Imagine having a unique plumeria!

New cultivars can be created by artificial pollination or hybridizing and we will get into that in a future blog.

Southern Blooms Florida plant nursery have over 135 plumeria cultivar, from Adagio, Black Purple, Boutique, Chablis, Charlotte Ebert and more. 

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